(just click on the topics below and you will get more
info about it)
- Local Volunteer Service
- Eco-Camp “Together for a Clean Municipality”
- 9th FARE Football Week in Macedonia
- Training for Mentors in Slovenia
- TOGETHER for a Cleaner Municipality
- Youth Exchange “Friendship without
Borders”-Yundola, Bulgaria
- Training for Writing a Project Proposal
- The Office for Free Legal Help
- Only Healthy Citizens Build a Healthy Society
- Adopted Local Strategy for Youth in the
Municipality of Sveti Nikole
Volunteer Service
Organization of Women of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole, as a
partner organization with the Youth Culture Center – Bitola, from
October 2008, has begun work together on the Local Volunteer
services that is related to the Volunteer Info Period. The Local
Volunteer Services (LVS) is a structure which works on development
and implementation of a quality system for volunteer management and at
the same time gives access to resolving problems in the local community
by forging a balance between the needs and offers of human resources –
volunteers. LVS will be open for all citizens and potential users of the
volunteer service. LVS with their own functioning, will have an impact
on the positive development of the citizen’s society and their values
through stimulating active participation of young people and all
citizens in resolving the problems in the local community through active
The project activities will take place over the
course of six months with a primary goal to facilitate the development
of volunteerism in the Republic of Macedonia through integrating the
volunteer programs in the public institutions, NGOs and state
institutions and contribute in the implementation of the reforms in the
educational system and social protection through implementing the Law of
Volunteering on the local level.
The target group of the project is every citizen in
the Municipality of Sveti Nikole – potential volunteers with a special
accent on unemployed young people.
Over the course of the month of October, contacts
were established with more public institutions/organizations and
non-government organizations. (Local government, Kiril & Metodij Primary
School, Goce Delcev Primary School, the House of Culture, Library, the
Red Cross, Rahilka Goneva Kindergarten, citizens associations for
handicapped and marginalized people, Poraka and the National Museum.) At
these meetings, responsible institutions/organizations were informed of
the Law of Volunteerism and the project activities.
The activities anticipated with this project will be
practical implementations of the Law of Volunteerism in Macedonia that
was established in 2 July 2007. The law facilitates new access for
organizing volunteering and exceeding former conditions of unplanned and
unorganized volunteering.
From 3 November 2008, registration of volunteers and
institutions who will be part of the project will take place at the
Organization of Women of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole.
Jasmina Trajceva
Organization of Women of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole

“Together for a Clean Municipality”
On the 26,
27 & 28 of September 2008, The Scouting Home – Orel held an Eco-Camp
that was a part of the project activities of the project “Together
for a Cleaner Municipality” whose bearer was
Scout Organization Goce Delcev and Organization of Women
of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole, in partnership with the local
government, Citizens Initiative of Women, Association of Roma,
Association of Vlach and the Ecological Society - Izgrev.
At the Eco-Camp 40 representatives, ages 15-25 years,
from NGOs, educational institutions, and other citizen associations were
included in realizing the activities of this project.
The participants had the following activities at
delivered by Vladimir Gilev & Katerina Zafirova of the Ecological
Origination of waste or garbage
Types of waste or garbage
Rules for management of solid waste
Training of activities for implementation of
personal place Eco-Patrols from the side of the communal inspector.
Practical application of acquired understanding
(Eco-action of cleaning the dumps by the banks of the Orel River that
feeds into the reservoir Zletovica from where water for drinking is
supplied to the citizens of Sveti Nikole.
We hope that with the help of this Eco-Camp we will
contribute to a greater education of youth regarding collecting,
selecting and depositing of solid waste and their harmful impact on the
Of course, these activities were not completed just
by the Eco-Camp. Before this camp, the citizens of Sveti Nikole has an
opportunity to participate in a Eco-Tribune (public presentation)
that was held on the 19th of September 2008 in the
large hall of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole
which included relevant participants from the Municipality: Communal
Inspector, Members of the Advisory Committee. A goal of the tribune was
through direct contact with the citizens, they will understand the rules
for proper disposal of waste to dispel their bad habits.
On the 21st of September,
eco-actions were held for organizing cleaning of more wild dumps.
These respective eco-actions continued with others on the 10th
of October 2008 where youth and older citizens together cleaned the
new park of many small deposits of litter that have already created a
bad picture of lack of care for the environment. Before this action, on
the 3rd of October 2008, there was an organized
placement of containers by the schools in Sveti Nikole (primary &
secondary) and by the Slavic University and in the center of the city.
By the conclusion of this justified training of an
eco-camp, our activities were legitimized (with an official stamp and
signature from the mayor of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole) by the
eco-patrol. The assignment of every patrol will be to discover and
make evidence of (via photo) of occurrences of citizens littering or
creating wild dumps and to provide that information to the communal
inspector with will need to take legal action for fining the person
At the end of the project activities from this
project, according to the said results, there will be financing of the
best eco-patrol and it will be acknowledged with a suitable award from
the side of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole.
Aleksandar Bogatinov
Organization of Women of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole

9th FARE
Football Week in Macedonia
the course of the largest anti-racism campaign in Europe – With
Football Against Racism – FARE. The activities from the 2-day
action week organized with the network FARE in 37 countries in Europe.
The Organization of Women of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole
through their children & youth center Vavilon from Sveti
Nikole was included in this campaign for the 5th time.
On the 19th of October 2008 at the sports hall Tsar
Samoil in Sveti Nikole, a football tournament was organized with
participation from the following teams: Society for Development of
Volunteer Work – Jagodina Serbia, team from Vavilon Center Sveti
Nikole and a team from the United States Peace Corps.
The teams were mixed by gender and ethnicity with
participants ages 18-25 years. The manifestation was enriched with a
performance from the ballet group from the primary school “Goce Delcev”
and “Kiril Metodij” from Sveti Nikole. Once again the youth stated that
the world is a beautiful place to live when we are equal and equally
rejoice in the same things.
In the framework of 5 years of FARE in Sveti Nikole,
there has been an exhibition in the House of Culture Kirste
Misirkov Sveti Nikole with a theme of “With Sport Against Racism and
Discrimination 2004-2008”. The first place in the tournament was
awarded to the Vavilon Center Sveti Nikole.
With hope, next year we will be more successful, have
more people involved. Until then, a big greeting goes out to all who
helped the organization with these activities, the participants and the
citizens of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole, the football team from
Vavilon Sveti Nikole and the Organization of Women of the Municipality
of Sveti Nikole.

Training for Mentors in
from the Organization of Women of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole,
the local government and current staff from the primary and secondary
school from Sveti Nikole, during 21-24 August 2008, attended the
training for mentors in the organization of Slovenian Philanthropy
from Ljubljana
The participants of the training “Developing
Volunteer Work with Children and Youth in the Territories of Southern
Balkans and a Way to Prepare Citizens for a Democratic Society”
shared their experience from their own volunteer work in their home
communities. Participants were also introduced to the Slovenian model of
volunteer work with youth in the schools and volunteer work with youth.
The training was financed by the American Embassy in the Republic
of Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, and Slovenia. The training was
held in Novo Mesto in Slovenia.
At the training, alongside the representatives from
Macedonia, the citizen organizations participated from Albania, Kosovo,
Serbia and Slovenia.
The participants from Novo Mesto called on the First
Lady of the Republic of Slovenia Ms. Barbara Miklic Turk, and in
Ljubljana they had a festive reception in American Ambassador to
Slovenia’s residence.
The team of mentors from the Republic of Macedonia
will work on a training session for 150 youth volunteers who, over the
course of one year, will volunteer for social services for youth and
children in the Municipality of Sveti Nikole.
August 2008
Aleksandar Bogatinov

TOGETHER for a Cleaner
of Women of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole, in partnership with
the Goce Delcev Scout’s Organization, and with other social contributors
such as the Municipality of Sveti Nikole, JP Communal, Ecological
Society Izgrev, Civil Initiative of Women, Association of Roma, and
Association of Vlach realized the project “TOGETHER for a Cleaner
This project was implemented through the program
SECTOR of the Regional Center for Protection of the Environment
for Central and Eastern Europe. This program is financed by
Swedish Agency for International Development and Cooperation.
Goals of the project are:
-Examination of the public opinion of
state of garbage
-Educating the public on the correct
management of garbage (origination, selection, transportation,
depositing and composting)
-Decreasing the number of “wild” dumps
-Placing the containers and selecting the
-Motivating the population for arranging
their own yard areas
-Implementation of the legal regulations
(enforcing penalties)
-Storing and selling the selected garbage
-Decreasing the cost of transportation and
storage of garbage
-Strengthening the capacity of cooperation
between NGO’s and the local government
-Larger & cleaner living space
The activities that took place are: examination of
the public opinion of the state garbage, cleaning up of the “wild” dumps
and highlighting them with moral messages, maintenance of eco-camps for
training of eco-patrols, organization of the eco-tribune (public
presentation), distribution of eco-flyers, placement of the containers
for selection of the garbage (for plastic & paper), all with a goal to
exceed the current situation and planning of future community
Expected results of the implemented activities are:
Increasing the consciousness of the public regarding garbage issues,
increasing green areas in and around the city, creating conditions for
storing the selected garbage with the placement of containers, and
decreasing the costs of transporting the garbage.
The final benefactors of the obtained results will be
the citizens of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole.
August 2008
Aleksandar Bogatinov
Organization of Women of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole

Youth Exchange “Friendship without Borders”-Yundola, Bulgaria
01-11 July 2008 in Yundola, Bulgaria a
multi-lateral youth exchange was held called “Friendship without
Borders”. The goal of this youth exchange was to exceed prejudices
and have a better understanding of people of the same age from different
countries through concrete activities from diverse youth from four
different countries. At the exchange were youth organizations from four
different countries:
Bulgaria – EuroAlternative21
Macedonia - Organization of Women of the
Municipality of Sveti Nikole
Bosnia and Herzegovina - ZG Lotos,
Turkey- Non-formal group of young people
“Gocmenalemi”, Bursa
Additional information about the exchange change be
found at

Training for Writing a
Project Proposal
On 9-10
February 2008 at the Organization of Women of the Municipality of
Sveti Nikole, a two-day training was held on how to write a project
25 youth attended the training as well as volunteers
in the Organization of Women of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole. The
training was delivered by Zlatko Talevski from the Youth
Culture Center of Bitola and a member of the network of trainers for
SEEYN. The training helped participants to translate their ideas
for projects into concrete project proposals.
The participants were extremely pleased with Zlatko
Talevski’s facilitation and the information they learned during this
training. The participants were very grateful for the opportunity to
attend this training
The training was facilitated by the Southeast
European Youth Network (SEEYN) as a part of the newest model of
training programs.
Aleksandar Bogatinov
Organization of Women of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole

The Office for Free Legal Help
Office of Free Legal Help for female victims of family violence has been
open since the start of last year at the Organization of Women of the
Municipality of Sveti Nikole and continues to work within the course
of the 2007 project year. This office was an activity within the project
“Improving the Position of Women” financed by Swedish Foundation
Kvinna Til Kvinna.
Over the course of last year, there were 74 people
who sought out free legal help from the office. Of that number, 23 of
them requested official documentation to be drafted such as complaints,
requests, appeals, and other legal documentation. Five people filed for
divorce due to family violence. Also, there were 13 anonymous phone
calls from individuals who were victims of family violence and free
legal advice was provided to them. To increase the awareness of the
public, regular advertisements for the office were broadcasted over the
local television and radio stations.
In addition, an informative flyer was created to
advertise to and inform the public of the office of free legal help. The
flyer was distributed through the local, daily newspapers of Spitz and
Utrinski. The flyers were also distributed to institutions that work
with a large number of women. A poster was also created with the similar
purpose of advertising the office. The interest of women from the
Municipality of Sveti Nikole is large and every day female victims of
family violence call the office. In January 2008, there have been 21
registered cases with the office where free legal advice was given.

Only Healthy
Citizens Build a Healthy Society
Activities from the project “Only Healthy Citizens
Build a Healthy Society” whose bearer is the NGO – EHO (Educative
– Humanitarian Organization) are continuing throughout 2008. The
goal of the project is to work within the regional strategy for
preventative health protection in the Bregalen-Strumica Region and, at
the same time, strengthen the capacity of non-governmental organizations
from this region.
Active participation in creating a public process for
health protection included participation from the non-government sector,
representatives from the local authorities and health workers from the
municipalities of Sveti Nikole, Kochani, Strumica, Vinica, Stip,
Probistip, Berovo, Pehcevo, Delcevo, and Radovis.
A 3-day seminar entitled “Preparing the Local Action
Plan for Promoting Health and Preventative Health Protection” was held
01-03 February 2008 in Vinica at the Hotel.
Representatives from all municipalities worked together to create this
Every group took the obligation to create a local
action plan according to the results of a survey that was administered
in their municipalities. The end goal is to create a regional strategy
for preventative health protection but because a larger group from the
NGO – Information Center from Skopje participated in this, there is a
greater opportunity to extend the initiative to western Macedonia. In
other words, the project will determine priorities in municipalities
from western Macedonia that will be accepted into the national strategy
for preventative health protection.
Daniela Paneva
Organization of Women of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole

Adopted Local Strategy for Youth in the Municipality of Sveti Nikole
Organization of Women of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole, in the
period of September 2007-January 2008, realized the project
“Creation of the Local Strategy for Youth in the Municipality of Sveti
Nikole” financed by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of
The general goal of the project was to improve the
position of youth and their active inclusion in society. This active
inclusion will be facilitated by youth who will focus on and resolve
actual youth problems. With it, the youth will be able to be included in
the creation of active youth policy that will facilitate improving the
general position of youth in society.
Twenty youth, ages 15-30, were directly included in
the project activities as well as individuals from:
· The youth center in The Organization
of Women of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole
· Youth from rural areas from the
Municipalities of Gorobinci, Ergelija, Mustafino, Amzbegovo,
Crniliste, and Pesirovo
· The Scouts from “Goce Delcev”
· Ecological Society of “Izgrev”
· Students from Koco Racin High School
· Representatives from the local
· 15 advisors and the Mayor of the
Municipality of Sveti Nikole
The project was realized in three parts:
I – Promotion of the National Youth Strategy:
On 31.10.2007 a public presentation was held
with a goal to promote the National Youth Strategy. 73 participants
attended the public presentation. The presentation was organized in
cooperation with the Agency for Youth and Sport of the Republic of
Macedonia and Coalition SEGA. At the public presentation, the
primary goals of the project were addressed and the activities that need
to take place to improve the position of youth in society. The public
presentation was recorded by the local TV and radio stations of Sveti
II – Improving the Capacity of Youth
To strengthen the capacity of 20 youth leaders, a
one-day seminar was held on 15.10.2007. The youth leaders were
given new skills and experiences in team work and group decision making.
In the period from October 2007 to January 2008,
6 workshops were held with the themes: Non-violent conflict
resolution, Democracy & Human Rights, Lobbying and Advocacy, Youth &
Politics, Euro-Integration, and Illness of Dependence. At these
workshops, the youth widen their understanding and knowledge of these
III – Creating the Local Youth Strategy for the
Municipality of Sveti Nikole
To introduce the way to create the youth strategy, on
14.10.2007 a one-day seminar was held under the title
“Training for Creating the Local Youth Strategy”. 23 youth attended
the training and gained this understanding. Here a survey was created
with a goal to exam the needs and problems of the youth and their peers.
The training was facilitated by the youth worker, Aleksandar
Bogatinov. The work groups worked from 16.10 to 22.10.2007
and created the survey with 51 questions. The survey was then
administered to 500 youth, ages 15-30 years, in the Municipality of
Sveti Nikole. The results of this survey were analyzed and used to
create the Local Strategy for Youth of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole.
The strategy was given to the public discussion on
18.12.2007 with a goal to also present the notes and suggestions of
the strategy from the presenters. The Mayor of Sveti Nikole, Mr.
Slobodan Danevski, attended this public discussion along with
Advisors from the Advisory Committee of the Municipality. The Director
of the High School Koco Racin attended as well as representatives from
the culture institutions of the municipality, the health institutions
and the non-government sector. At the public discussion, corrections to
the plan were suggested and added into the overall plan. The final plan
was given to the Advisory Committee of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole
on 24.12.2007 and was adopted by them on 28.12.2007.
In January 2008, the group of youth leaders
along with the representatives from the Organization of Women of the
Municipality of Sveti Nikole gathered together with the Mayor, Mr.
Slobodan Danevski, and the Representative from the General Assembly of
the Local Government, Ms. Blagica Lasovska. At the meeting, the
“next steps” were discussed for implementing the local youth strategy
for the municipality.
Over the course of January, the local strategy was
printed and distributed to all students at the High School Koco Racin
with a goal to promote the strategy.
The local youth strategy (only Macedonian
version) can be found at this link:
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