This site is part from our project activities in framework of Youth In
Action Programme (programme of European Commision) Action 3 - Youth in
the world , 3.1 - Cooperation with Neighbouring Partner
You can find all information in the user guide:
guide 2008 version
Brochure YOUTH IN ACTION Programme 2007-13
Summary of our project
people in South East Europe region have limited opportunities to
introduce each other, and to felt themselves as citizens of Europe.
Youth exchange had target to overcome the gap which is existing among
young people from different countries in Europe and will provide respect
of individual human rights and freedoms and also will provide inclusion
of young people into intercultural word. For achieving of this target it
was organized 10-days summer educative camp in Dojran, Macedonia in
period from 01-10 July 2007 on which camp 42 young people from 6
countries: Italy, Slovenia, Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Macedonia was
established intercultural cooperation and exchange of mutual experience
and was develop sense for mutual values. Through various forms of
nonformal education- educative and creative workshops we successed to
enlarged the sense of responsibility for overtaking obligations which
are brought by the challenges of modern Europe society and recognizing
EU as integral part of their historic, cultural, social and political
living. Our participants were strengthen up their capacities and
independently to overtake concrete actions pointed to improve general
position of countries in which are living and will be working on
building up peace and tolerance among nations in Europe.
The subject matter of the project was
intercultural cooperation between the young people in the region and the
chance of getting to know themselves in respect of fostering a young
generation that would grow into the future European citizens.
Ten-day summer educational camp was organized for the
realization of this project with the participation of youth from the
neighbouring partner countries: Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and
Herzegovina and the programme countries: Bulgaria, Slovenia and Italy
The summer camp took place from 01.07 – 10.07.2007 in Dojran,
All the participants had knowledge of English since
it will be the working language. The group was gender balanced.
Composition of the partnership
MACEDONIA - Organization of Women of
Municipality of Sveti Nikole (Youth Sector-Daily Educative Youth Center
Babylon, Sveti Nikole);
ITALY - Mediterranean and Environment-International Federation,
Marina Di Jonica ;
SERBIA - Association for developing voluntary work, Jagodina;
BULGARIA - Euroalternatives 21, Yakoruda;
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Association of Citizens – Lotos, Zenica;
SLOVENIA - Association for developing voluntary work, Novo Mesto
The following workshops were effectuated
during the ten-day period:
Intercultural cooperation:
-Processes of integration in EU.
-The identity, the respect of the differences and the tolerance.
-Non-violent solution of the conflicts.
-Introduction to the basic human rights and their protection
-Gender relations workshop
-Presentation of the Youth in Action Programme
Other workshops:
-Sports club;
-Music-folklore club;
-Drama club;
-Web design
In the evening hours of the summer camp, each
participating country had its own national night
Protection and safety:
Each partner organization were obligated to provide a
travel and health insurance for their participants during the duration
of the summer camp. The group leaders were obligated to ensure the
effective security of the young people.
The host organization were procured medicaments (were
set up a mini pharmacy with the necessary medicaments) and with prior
agreement with the Medical Centre in Dojran will appoint a contact
person (doctor) which was on call for the needs of the camp participants
at all times.
Advance Planning Visit:
Advance Planning Visit took place in Sveti Nikole
between 12 and 14 of June 2007. Two representatives per participating
country (one group leader and one young participant) were met in order
to discuss details related to the youth exchange. They were
focused on practical aspects of the action.
Leaders were also elaborated a detailed plan for
everyday workshops, and they talked about different and interesting
possibilities of how to spend the free time they have left.
After the project is finalised, every national group were evaluate
the exchange after returning home. They discussed and expressed their
opinions about the whole project. Short report of the evaluation meeting
were prepared and sent to the other national groups in order to share
the opinions.
Final results from the Evaluation of our Youth
Exchange (here)
"This project has been funded with support from the
European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the
author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which
may be made of the information contained therein."